Professionals program 2turvenhoog festival 2024 - in English
About the professionals program
An important part of 2turvenhoog festival is our professionals program. From April 1 to April 7 we invite artists, programmers, policy makers and other professionals in culture, education and welfare for presentations, lectures and round table discussions during the festival in Almere.
Performances and art installations
We're proud to present more than 100 performances by 20 different artists and companies from The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and France. In addition, we present 6 art installations that can be visited for free. All performances and art installations can be found on our festival page.
A lot of the performances take place in a 'social program' for preschools, schools, artists and professionals from April 3 to April 7. Are you a professional and do you want to attend these performances? You can create your own program and make a reservation via the registration form.
Would you like to visit some performances during the festival? You can buy tickets at a discount via the Kunstlinie website. Send an e-mail to for a discount code.
Lecture: Little artists by Mark Mieras

photo: Hein van den Heuvel
Wednesday April 3
10:00 - 11:00
de nieuwe bibliotheek (libraby), Almere
Lecture: Little Artists by Mark Mieras (in Dutch)
Young children are like little artists and little talents. They examines their world with a wide view and with their whole body. They are completely open to surprise. During the lecture Little Artists you will get into the head of a young children together with science journalist Mark Mieras. Discover how resourceful and effective children are in finding new paths. What can we learn from them? And why is this important?
Workshop: Le chant de l’arbre by Laurent Dupont, Cie ACTA (FR)

Wednesday April 3
13:00 - 16:00
Arnhemplein, Almere
Workshop: Le chant de l'arbe
Laurent Dupont, artistic director of the French company Cie ACTA, has developed a workshop around his performance Le chant de l'arbre to showcase the artistic richness of the surrounding natural environment.
Workshop by Thomas Eisenhardt, Aaben Dans (DK)

Wednesday April 3
14:00 - 16:30
The workshop will be a sharing of thoughts, experience, research, and philosophy in the creation of intergenerational, non-verbal stage art with focus on the youngest audience, investigating themes such as:
Why create stage art for infants and toddlers?
The infant’s perception of the world
Abstraction and narration
The nervous system as dramaturgical director
and the big question: ´What is that?´
We will be alternating between talks, videos, dialogues and physical exercises on perception, composition, and awareness.
Presentation of report Art and Early Childhood

Friday April 5
15.00 - 16.00
Kunstlinie, Almere
The access to, and opportunities for culture and art in early childhood must be urgently recognized by European public institutions. One of the conditions for this is strong and dynamic relationships between artists, early childhood, education, social and cultural professionals, families, as well as public and private institutions. In the successful Erasmus+ exchange, childhood professionals were able to visit arts projects in NL-FR-ES-UK. We were not able to make artists travel, share their practice and develop new artistic practices in different socio-cultural European contexts. The project aimed to disseminate knowledge, experiences and reflections derived from early childhood artists' practices and from early childhood professionals. We agreed upon that we would share the emergent observations and reflections. Therefore we created a report for the protection and implementation of artistic awakening in all European regions, integrating different communities’ socio-economic realities into the process and providing concrete examples that can act as inspirations.
Artist Talk

Saturday April 6
17.00 - 18.00
Kunstlinie, Almere
2turvenhoog festival: Arist Talk led by Ingrid Wolff
Every edition of 2turvenhoog festival we bring (performing) artists together during a Artist Talk. A program for young makers, experienced makers, Dutch makers, foreign makers, students and programmers. They share their experiences and reflections on (creating) performing art for the little ones.An open conversation, led by Ingrid Wolff - artistic director of 2turvenhoog